Inspiration Boards – Inspiration for Life!

I find inspiration in so much…I initially started to gather images and ideas that were inspiring to me as a way to relax and re-energize myself. Then, after noticing I had quite the portfolio of collected images, I started creating inspiration boards for a few clients here and there, in an effort to help relay my vision for them. They are a helpful way to make sure we’re heading in the right direction together and that I truly am capturing the essence of what the bride is looking for.

From there, I found that putting together inspiration/story/mood boards for other things in my life proved to be just as useful. Here are a couple of boards that I’ve put together recently for interior design projects I’m working on.

You won’t necessarily find any of the showcased items in the finished projects – these boards simply help tell the story, visually.

Inspiration boards certainly do not need to be put together for a bride or a client. I have found that designing inspiration boards are a therapeutic way to escape and lose myself in something that I quite simply…find lovely. Give one a shot (and if you’re inspired – send it to me and tell me why!)